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L’associazione European Youth Parliament (EYP) si prefigge di coinvolgere i giovani nella vita istituzionale della nostra società. In numeri: 50.000 studenti di 40 paesi in oltre 500 eventi ogni anno. In Italia il Parlamento Europeo Giovani (PEG) promuove l’identità europea nelle università e nelle scuole secondarie superiori. Le attività del PEG sono riconosciute dal Ministero per l’Istruzione, l’Università e la Ricerca (M.I.U.R) come iniziative scolastiche di valorizzazione delle eccellenze.

Noi del Malignani eravamo presenti in 13 alla sessione regionale di Pordenone dal 20 al 22 febbraio 2020 per simulare in lingua inglese il processo decisionale di una assemblea parlamentare. Ogni partecipante era membro di una commissione presieduta da un facilitatore (chairperson). A Pordenone 82 giovani di 8 istituti diversi di FVG e Veneto, guidati da 8 chairs tra i 18 e i 21 anni, si sono scambiati idee e metodi di lavoro. In tutto oltre 100 giovani coinvolti di cui 15 giovani stranieri per dibattere sul futuro dell’Unione Europea, intrecciare dialoghi culturali fra partecipanti, sviluppare competenze di problem-solving nello spirito di cittadinanza attiva.

Tre le fasi dell’evento: Teambuilding, per creare la squadra di lavoro attraverso divertenti attività di mutuo ascolto, empatia, cooperazione; Committee work, per analisi critica di problematiche politiche e per stesura condivisa di risoluzione su argomento assegnato; General Assembly, per discutere le proposte di risoluzione seguendo i procedimenti del parlamento europeo (discorsi dal podio, domande, votazione finale per approvare o respingere il documento presentato).

Di seguito gli entusiasti commenti dei partecipanti:


As a member of LIBE (Committee on Civil Liberties) I debated on the Misinformation Age (Propaganda for political goals) proposing ways to ensure access to accurate news for everybody in the EU. It was an amazing experience where I learned to manage anxiety when speaking in public.


I was a member of CULT II (Committee on Culture and Education) and we discussed On the Verge of Extinction of many European languages (due to globalisation and the Internet). We identified measures to preserve their linguistic heritage. I am grateful to my English teacher who persuaded me to participate.

Arianna & Jacopo

We joined EMPL (Committee of Employment and Social Affairs) and we passionately dealt with the Future of Work. The question was intriguing: How can the EU respond to the disruption in the labour market caused by automation/artificial intelligence? We recommend this stimulating peer-to-peer experience to all Malignani students. It is a springboard for the art of diplomacy.

Mattia & Giacomo

ITRE I (Committee on Industry, Research, Energy) was our team and the topic: Where do babies come from? Our challenge: How can the EU create a legislation that takes advantage of new reproductive technologies while safeguarding the fundamental values of our society? Why was PEG PN worth? To practice English, to meet new friends, to think critically on hot current issues, to discover the potential of the European Union for the young generation.


I was part of ENVI (Committee on Environment, Public Health, Food Safety) and my topic was: The Internet Generation. How can the EU promote the responsible use of digital technology among young people? I am proud of my participation: I brought fruitful and innovative ideas into the debate. It was a wonderful time!

Alessandro & Leonardo & Samuele

We chose TRAN (Committee on Transport and Tourism) to discuss The self-driving revolution. What measures should the EU take to regulate the emerging industry of autonomous vehicles in relation to the safety of its citizens? Our resolution passed (55 For, 27 Against)! In short, dynamic activities, inspiring debates, lots of fun, fantastic new friends. One of the most significant adventures in our school life! Don’t be afraid to dare


I worked for CULT I (Committee on Culture and Education) to reflect on A sense of Belonging. The question: How can the EU Member States adapt their education systems to facilitate the integration of migrants preserving their identity and culture? I treasured the different viewpoints on the topic: all contributions were interesting and unique. I worked hard and I was emotionally involved. I will never forget this wonderful experience.

Gloria & Nicola

We did our best in the ITRE II ( Committee on Industry, Research, Energy) focusing on Split over the atom. What should the future of nuclear energy be in the EU? It was hard to reach consensus: at first, we were inclined to maintain our personal ideas, but we slowly learned to listen and to share proposals reaching common solutions. We loved the PN PEG: engaging, amusing, inspiring! We want to repeat the experience next year and we invite all Malignani students to join in.
